真的,聽到的第一個反應是大叫,接下來是把聲音轉大,然後一邊聽一邊哭 ........ MJ, 我好想你.....
今晚的 mjtunes 好像在做新專輯搶聽一樣,一直在播出 【Michael 】這張新專輯裡的的歌曲 .....
很想有機會聽到被大家稱讚 、驚豔 的一首不是新歌的的新歌 ( I like ) The Way You Love Me ~
( I like ) The Way You Love Me ~~ 這首歌曲,很久以前就喜歡了,
在這張專輯裡,不算是一首新歌了,因為在 2004年 出版的終極精選裡,就已經出現過了,
只是這一次,很出乎意外的出現了 【口白】!!!!!!!!!!
(因為只聽到一次,耳力與腦力沒有好到聽懂與記下MJ 說什麼)
讓人很驚豔,也很驚慌失措 ....
頭一次聽到MJ 在這首歌曲裡的口白....
那麼熟悉卻遙遠........ 這次又是無預警的出現....
當初還在想 SONY 為什麼要放這首已經出版過的歌曲進來 ... 當初是有一點小小不諒解,
現在我可是非常滿意 SONY 這個決定呢!!!
真希望趕快拿到新專輯 ..........
因為聽到這一首 ( I like ) The Way You Love Me,
還是想介紹大家聽一下 我愛了很久的這一首 ( I like ) The Way You Love Me.
聽這首歌曲的時候,如果你有耳機 (最好是全罩式耳機),
放下手邊的工作 ,
如果你喜歡 You Are Not Alone,
你一定會愛上這首 ( I like ) The Way You Love Me.
你會驚豔於MJ描述男女之間的甜蜜互動 是如此的貼切.....
只能用 touching my heart 來形容我此刻的悸動...
Michael Jackson - The Way You Love Me (以下這些是舊版本的內容)
Song written and recorded by Michael between 2000 and 2004,
included on his box-set, THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION, issued in
November 2004.
這首歌曲在2000~2004年之間由 MJ 所填詞譜曲與錄製,
於2004年收錄到 終極精選 盒裝套裝組裡發行 。
The Way You Love Me - Lyrics
I was alone in the dark when I met ya
You took my hand and you told me you loved me
I was alone, there was no love in my life
(I was alone, there was no love in my life)
I was afraid of life and you came in time
(I was afraid of life and you came in time)
You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight
(You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight)
I like the way how you`re holdin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are holdin` me
I like the way how you`re lovin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are lovin` me
I like the way how you`re touchin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are touchin` me
I like the way how you`re kissin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are kissin` me
You'll seeeee...
...it won't be long 'til we make vows, I bet ya
I thank the Heavens above that I met ya
I was alone, there was no love in my life
(I was alone, there was no love in my life)
I was afraid of life and you came in time
(I was afraid of life and you came in time)
You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight
(You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight)
I like the way how you`re lovin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are holdin` me
I like the way how you`re holdin` me
It doesn`t matter how you re lovin` me
I like the way how you`re touchin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are touchin` me
I like the way how you`re kissin` me
It doesn`t matter how you are kissin` me
The world's a better place `cause you came in time,
You took away the rain and brought the sunshine,
I was afraid `cause I was hurt the last time,
I like the way how you`re holdin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you are holdin` me,
I like the way how you`re lovin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you are lovin` me,
I like the way how you`re touchin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you are touchin` me,
I like the way how you`re kissin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you are kissin` me,
You seeeee.