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刊載於:AP Assocaited Press

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刊載於:AP Assocaited Press

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's arms were covered with punctures, his face and neck were scarred and he had tattooed eyebrows and lips, but he wasn't the sickly skeleton of a man portrayed by tabloids, according to his autopsy report obtained by The Associated Press.

根據Los Angelas的Associated Press所得驗屍報告,Michael Jackson的手臂上有針孔,面部及頸部有疤痕,他紋眉及紋唇,但他身體並不是如小報所描述那麼虛弱。

In fact, the Los Angeles County coroner's report shows Jackson was a fairly healthy 50-year-old before he died of an overdose. His 136 pounds were in the acceptable range for a 5-foot-9 man. His heart was strong with no sign of plaque buildup. And his kidneys and most other major organs were normal.

事實上,Los Angeles中驗屍官的報告顯示,MJ因服藥過量藥物而斃命,但在此前他的健康情況相當良好。他體重136磅,是屬於一個身高5呎9寸男士可接受之水平。他的心臟強壯,沒有跡象顯示有血管栓塞的現象,他的腎臟及其他主要器官功能正常。

Still, Jackson had health issues: arthritis in the lower spine and some fingers, and mild plaque buildup in his leg arteries. Most serious was his lungs, which the autopsy report said were chronically inflamed and had reduced capacity that might have left him short of breath.


However, according to the document, the lung condition was not serious enough to be a direct or contributing cause of death.
"His overall health was fine," said Dr. Zeev Kain, chairman of the anesthesiology department at the University of California, Irvine, who reviewed a copy of the autopsy report for the AP. "The results are within normal limits."

但根據文件,肺部的問題並不嚴重,不直接引致死亡。加州大學麻醉學部門主管Dr. Zeev Kain說︰「他整體的健康良好。」。警方重新覆核驗屍報告,「結果是於正常範圍之內。」

Kain was not involved in the autopsy. The full autopsy report has not been released publicly, but the AP obtained a copy.
Jackson died at his rented Los Angeles mansion June 25 after his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, administered the anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, court documents state. Propofol, normally a surgical anesthetic used in operating rooms, acts as a respiratory depressant and requires constant monitoring,

Kain 沒有參與驗屍,完整的驗屍報告仍未向公眾發放。AP得到一份副本說明了MJ在6月25日在其Los Angeles所租住的住所逝世,按法院文件指出,當時他的私人醫生Dr. Conrad Murray為他注射了麻醉藥物propofol及其他兩種鎮靜的藥物以助陷入長期失眠的他可以入睡。Propofol一般是用於手術室內進行的麻醉手術,作為對鎮靜呼吸之用,是需要定期監察。

Murray told police he left the room to use the bathroom and phone records show he also made calls for 47 minutes around the time Jackson encountered problems. When Murray realized Jackson was unresponsive, he began frantic efforts to revive him, but Jackson never regained consciousness and was declared dead at the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center.


The coroner's office announced last month that Jackson's death was a homicide caused by "acute propofol intoxication," with the other sedatives listed as a contributing factor. They said the standard of care for administering propofol was not met and the recommended equipment for patient monitoring, precision dosing and resuscitation was missing.

驗屍官的辦公室宣佈,MJ是死於急性普洛福中毒(acute propofol intoxication)。他們這次處理propofol的程序不合標準,應該設有用來監察病人的儀器、控制藥物劑量的儀器和復甦用的儀器等都不見。

Murray is the target of what Los Angeles police term a manslaughter investigation. The decision on criminal charges will come from the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. Murray has been interviewed twice by police.

Murray現時為Los Angeles警方調查這次殺人案件的目標人物,是否提出刑事檢控則交由Los Angeles 地方法院決定。Murray已被警方問話兩次。

Except for a brief video posted to YouTube, Murray has not spoken publicly since Jackson's death. In the video, he said: "I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail." Murray's attorney, Edward Chernoff, previously has said nothing Murray gave Jackson "should have" killed him.

除了一個放在YouTube的簡短錄象之外,Murray在MJ死後沒有向公眾講話。在錄象中,Murray說︰「我說出真相,我有信心真理會獲勝。」而Murray的代表律師Edward Chernoff早前表示Murray沒有注射任何會引致MJ死亡的藥物。

Jackson was declared dead a little more than two hours after paramedics were called.
Evidence of the desperate struggle to save the star were evident on his body. He had chest bruising and cracked ribs from CPR, and a mechanical device known as a balloon pump was inserted into his heart to try to restart it, according to the autopsy report.


Jackson's body was taken by helicopter to the coroner's office where the following morning Chief Medical Examiner Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran and Dr. Christopher Rogers carried out an extensive review and ordered a toxicology screening to look for drugs in his system.

MJ的身體是由直昇機送抵驗屍官的辦公室,由首席的醫學鑑定法醫Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran and Dr. Christopher Rogers負責進行全面的解剖,亦為MJ進行了毒理學的檢查。

Aside from propofol and the sedatives, the only substances found in his system were the local anesthetic, Lidocaine, sometimes used to numb injection sites and ephedrine, a commonly used resuscitation stimulant.
No other drugs — legal or otherwise — were detected, nor was any alcohol.


Kain said he was surprised that three other sedatives, known as benzodiazepines, were present with propofol. Anesthesiologists sometimes mix one "benzo" with propofol to help put a patient under, but using three increases the danger for the patient.


"People don't mix the benzodiazepines together because they interact with each other and increase the risk of respiratory arrest," Kain said, adding it was likely Jackson first stopped breathing and then suffered cardiac arrest.


The autopsy findings cut off a potential defense for Murray — that Jackson hid serious pre-existing conditions that increased the risk of death from the drugs he willingly took. Even if he did hide a condition such as his weakened lungs, a prosecutor could argue Murray should have detected the condition before administering drugs, said Michael Brennan, a clinical law professor at the University of Southern California who specializes in criminal defense.

驗屍報告結果反駁了Murray的辯說,指MJ隱瞞身體一些已存在的嚴重問題,導致他自願接受了增加死亡風險的藥物。負責專門研究罪犯辯駁的南加州大學教授 Michael Brennan指出即使MJ隱瞞自己的身體狀況,例如:肺部功能積弱,檢控官也可以辯駁Murray該可以在施藥前便檢查得到。

"A doctor has some obligation to know what his patient's physical condition is," Brennan said. "The doctor is going to try to substantiate whatever the patient told him ... and not simply rely on a patient's descriptions of his physical condition."
At the time of his death Jackson was preparing for a series of comeback concerts in London. Rehearsals were rigorous and there were questions about whether Jackson would be physically able to hold up.


But aside from his lungs, the autopsy report did not identify any serious physical problems that might have limited Jackson's ability to perform. It also provided details about his physical state from head to toes.


He had a 3/4-inch scar behind his left ear and another apparent scar behind his right ear. He had a scar beside each of his nostrils and another, 4-inch scar on his right shoulder. He had a pair of additional scars about 3-inches long at the base of his neck and smaller scars on his arms and wrist. He also had a small scar near his navel and a 2-inch scar on the right-hand side of his abdomen.


Kain said most of the scars appeared to be from plastic surgery though others, like a scar on the knee, could have been from a medical procedure.


The medical examiner found numerous punctures on both arms and on a knee and ankle. The leg punctures could have been from intravenous therapies not described in the autopsy report, Kain said.


Jackson had several tattoos, all them cosmetic, including dark tattoos in the areas of both eyebrows and under his eyes, and a pink tattoo around his lips.


He was going bald at the front of his head, with his remaining hair described as short and tightly curled. The bald part of his scalp was darkened with what appeared to be a tattoo stretching across the top of his head from ear to ear.


The coroner found depigmentation of his skin around his chest, abdomen, face and arms.


The coroner also found Jackson was actively producing sperm.


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