希望能做出與渲染(著重線條) 不同的效果,所以刻意多攪動了幾下~
《 暈染 》
《 渲染 》 與 加入荷荷芭晶球 ( 以前做的 )
base oil:olive oil + coconut oil + shea butter + Hazelnut oil + Palm oil 》自皂出油
mold:小河灣灣 四方木模 》各自
F.O.:青青草原 》小魔羯出
additive :大豆卵磷脂
colorant:大地黃 + 松綠 + 寶藍(皇家藍)
~ 青青草原 ~
This scent is fresh, clean and vibrant充滿生氣的.
It's a single note fragrance smelling of ... fresh cut grass!
Remember your childhood, frolicking in the grass, rolling down grassy hills and playing on the swing set at the park? This is the fragrance to bring it all back.
It's crisp清新、乾淨, sweet and green and you'll love it!
聞起來就像剛剛割過草的青草地..乾淨 ~ 甜甜的 ~ 綠色氣息..你會愛上它.